Windansea Hut (336K)
Vignettes  From  A  Dream

A Novel by Charles Adrian Trevino

Hello, and welcome to the latest  "pulp" fiction novel, "Vignettes From A Dream."  I actually started writing this pulpacious thriller some time ago... about two or three years back, if I remember correctly.  Due to the expeditious manner in which I threw up the first drafts, I have as of this date (sometime in January 2024) seen fit to substantially edit the opening prologue and the original first chapter as well, as they were rather hurriedly and (yeah, I admit it) kind of badly written maybe, you might say, in a certain fashion, so to speak.  Oh hell, in truthful essence they were terribly written...  so I fixed them somewhat. 

If you were lucky enough to have read this Fiction Page's previous narrative you may recall certain rather brashly worded allusions as to my noble intentions, which were, basically put, to "make your life less troubled by attempting to give my own explanation, in metaphorical form at least, of what is happening to your souls, why it is happening, and who is doing it to you... since you can't figure it out for yourselves."  Needless to say, you most likely took that well-intentioned but perhaps brusquely-delivered letter missive out of context, and also probably didn't take too kindly to the sort of condescending and patronizing tone I employed, and henceafter indignantly stopped reading the novel forthwith... which was good, since I stopped working on it right about the same time.  No block on this writer's part;  I simply got too involved with other more pressing matters, so I put the project aside... and my, how time flies! 

However, I'm quite pleased to say that I'm literarily back on the pulp mill again, and have vigorously re-commenced construction of this latest burlesque-drama, in an attempt to carve my niche in the hard stony edifice of all that was, and is, and always will be, literary.  As a "literati" wannabee, I know that the pursuit of literal glory (and getting famous and making tons of money) is the highest of all the noble "quests of the humanities."  And the Holy Grail of mad writers everywhere, the key to big-time fat-cat worldwide deism, is to gain the atttention of the Literati Illuminati, the secret bard society that every writer, mad or dullard, dreams of being admitted to.  Towards that end, I have also included another recently-written chapter, and more are already drafted (in my mind's hard drive).  My only problem at this point seems to be an inability to conform to all of this staid, theoretically proper english nonsense being bandied about everywhere -- much ado about nothing, I say.  It seems like there's always some cock-and-bull "stratificational grammar" theory, or some other unpronounceable bullpoop concept that the dignified but quite often certifiably-nutty english professors are constantly yapping about, sometimes coming to fierce blows in their intense literary debates... I don't understand such things myself, much less worry about 'em.

All petty criticisms notwithstanding, I am offering this modestly but still somewhat rudely interjected book of short stories, or novellas, adding more chapters bit by bit until they eventually build up into one medium-sized novelle.  The only thing you'll want to keep in mind is that the novellas won't be in any particular order, at first; when I feel the time is appropriate, I shall place them into their final sequence, and the entire story will then manifest itself as one complete, profoundly sublime standard-sized pulp fiction novel.  I know this is a very risque and, well... novel way of doing things, but hey, I'm Charles;  don't worry about it.  This work is primed to totally blow away the avant-garde, intellectual literati vanguard -- blow 'em right out of the water!  I am betting that this one book will establish my literary name forever, guaranteeing my eternal shining place among the literati luminaries, while netting me millions of luminously-glowing dollars. 

Right, just jokin' there;  as I've bitched many times, I have never been able to make any money trying to peddle any of my digital goods on the internet;  the scary ambiguous interstate tax laws alone are enough to chill anyone's enthusiasm in that regard (just another tool of totalitarian control of all literature and commerce).  I swear, I can't figure out what satanic tax or fine they're going to hit me with, when they're going to hit me, or why, for gosh sakes.  Accordingly, in revenge for that outrage, I've vowed to warn everybody, in any literate way I can, about the satanic plot now underway to turn them all into jerks, going into excrutiating detail as to how well that plot's been succeeding.  Thusly I will be churning out juicy, questionably-rated short stories for free, at an alarmingly prodigious speed now, and in keeping with classic "pulp" traditions, will quite often be employing good old time-honored "sensationalist" tactics intended to arouse an "intense (usually superficial) interest, curiosity, and/or emotional reaction"...  in you, my reader-friend! 

But not to fear;  unlike some of my more prosperous (i.e., bought-off) "New York Times best-selling list" pulp-fiction rivals out there, my quaint "dime store novels" (a lovely term from a long-forgotten better time) will always deliver an invaluable hidden moral -- a subtle imparting of secret wisdom, designed to flow sacredly and blessedly like holy water running through the channels of the lucky reader's subconscience...  to pristine, unexplored mystic lakes of the soul where never-seen, subliminally sculpted luminous structures haughtily grace the shores, harboring the proud and august lightships of sagacious knowledge and philosophy, those enlightening vessels that glide you gloriously untroubled through dark times of gloom and seemingly eternal nightness, lifting you upwards in a cerebrally-intoxicated state of peace out of the dark silent planet, through mazes of giant star-lit ringed orbs and their glowing satellites, to black empty vacuums beyond the gaze of Pluto, then back inwards to the eternal warmth and light of God's good grace... yep, you'll get all that, it's all for free!  You've nothing to lose but your time, and whatever was left of your certitude (if you ever had any certitude).  So...

Here's your novellas...  start reading!  If you still want to (you know you do!)...  then you can leave your nice judgmental remarks in the "Comments" section at the bottom of this page. 

Ha ha, just kidding again!  Keep your evil comments to yourself jokers, thank you very much.

Click The Links Below For Your Chapters

Prologue - Vignettes From A Dream

A Better World - Vignettes From A Dream

Damned Man's Roulette - Vignettes From A Dream

Click here to go back to Index

Text Copyright January 2024 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   Thanks for your interest, and heavenly forebearance...   this is